How to store our beer?

Our beer is non-pasteurized and non-filtered so the best way how to store it is in a cool and dark place. With proper storage is possible to archive stronger beers much longer than minimum shelf life.

How to buy our beer?

Pivo si můžete objednat v našem E-SHOPU. Pokud se jedná o velkoobchodní odběr, kontaktujte prosím našeho obchodního zástupce - Filipa Kočího. V případě jednorázového zájmu o naše pivo s vyzvednutím v Potštejně volejte na +420 739 793 985, a to nejméně dva pracovní dny předem. Pokud máte zájem o naše pivo mimo Potštejn, můžete kontaktovat naše distributory - CraftBeer Import (Brno, SK), Pivoňka (Hradec Králové), Pivní Kvelb nebo Bad Flash (Praha a okolí) nebo Sklad piva Marek Český Brod.

How long is shelf life?

With proper storage (in the cold below 12 ° C and in the dark), the shortest minimum shelf life of our beer is two months. Stronger beers have a shelf life of 4 months or more. Under ideal conditions, it is possible to successfully archive them for much longer.

What package we have?

We supply 15l, 20l, 30l and 50l beer KEGs with a FLACH stopper. Glass 0,75l bottles with a crown cap and 0,5l aluminium cans.

How much is deposit for KEG?

Refundable deposit for our KEG is 1500 CZK.

Are your bottles returnable?

Unfortunately our bottles are non-returnable. In such a small volume, the washing machine and its operator would not pay off. Used bottles belong to the recycling glass container - this ensures their recycling.

Where can I buy merchandise?

You can buy all merchandise including T-shirts, sweatshirts, beanies, snapbacks, cycling jerseys or glasses in our taphouse and also at our E-SHOP. We also take merch with us to festivals and other events but the offer is always limited.

What's the menu and on tap in our taphouse?

Check this link out what's on -

What's wholesale current offer?

Check out this website homepage. There is always current offer.

I run pub and wanna have your beer on tap. What can I do?

Call our salesman Filip Kočí and you'll find the way.

Who's your distributor?

Our distributors are - CraftBeer Import (Brno, SK), Pivoňka (Hradec Králové), Pivní Kvelb or Bad Flash (Praha) or Sklad piva Marek (Český Brod).

Do you offer brewery tours?

Yes, we do. You can buy tickets on our E-SHOP - Vstupenky & kupóny.

Who makes you graphic?

Dalibor "Max" Krch have made the first drawings of our robots. Aneta Koželuhová is the author of lattermosts and have made the ART # labels as well. Website and others is by LER studio from Hradec Králové.

Do you accept cards in taphouse?

Yes, we do.

Do you cook in taphouse?

Yes, we do cook. Daily menu Monday till Friday. Then we have some sort of beer snacks.

Jaké nabízíte v pivnici pohoštění pro větší skupiny?

Jídlo na objednávku pro skupiny:


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Čtvrt pečeného kuřete z Rašovic, kimchi rýže

Guláš z hovězí kližky, houskový knedlík

Pekáček s vepřovým kolenem cca 1 kg, zeleninový salát, naše hořčice, výpek, chléb

Namíchaný hovězí tatarák 100g, topinky, česnek

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Zeleninové kari s rýží
Celerové řízečky se šťouchaným bramborem, naše tatarka

We do not serve alcohol

to the underage people